Carol of the Tiny King
- A Christmas solo for medium voice; explores the thoughts of Mary as she contemplates
the future of the baby. Solo, Piano, Christmas, Medium
The Prophet Turned the Key
- Based on the words that the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke to the women when he
organized the Relief Society. Solo or 2-Part Women, Piano, LDS-Relief Society, Easy
Joseph’s Song
- A Christmas solo for medium voice about the angel’s visit to Joseph explaining Mary’s mission
and the name by which his son is to be called. Solo in e minor, Piano, Christmas, Easy
A Christmas Hymn; High Voice
- A Christmas solo for high voice (also available in medium or low) set to a poem by Cameron C.
Wood about the Savior’s dual role as both King and shepherd. Solo in c minor, Piano, Christmas, Easy
A Gift From Above; Low Voice
- A solo set to words by Nancy Schoepflin expressing the desire to put feelings of
the heart into song. Solo in Bb minor, Piano, Worship; Praise, Low
If You Could Hie - by Amy Burr
- This LDS hymn arrangement was done by my daughter, Amy N. Burr, and I love it, so I'm including it
on my site. There is a lovely flute solo that works well with this accompaniment. If you are
interested in the PDF file of the flute part over the accompaniment, contact me and I'll send it to
you. Solo, Piano, Worship, Fairly Easy